These guidelines address the formation and function of Critical Incident Response Teams, which prepare for and respond to incidents at the unit level.
- Form a Unit Critical Incident Response Team for your area with at least two people in each of these roles:
- Team Leader: Makes decisions, has access to financial resources.
- Operations Manager: Has access to departmental records, knows what activities are taking place (what research is going on in each lab, what programs will be impacted by a crisis), and arranges for fire drills.
- Communications: Focuses on communications needs during a crisis, maintains phone lists, creates listservs, notifies relevant people about the crisis, gets information out to a broader audience, arranges for media inquiries to be answered, arranges for counseling, arranges for departmental training in crisis management, etc.
- IT Systems: Is knowledgeable about departmental computing systems and able to assist in re-establishing access to computer databases from off-campus locations, quickly establishing departmental web pages with information about the crisis, and finding information relevant to the crisis, etc.
- Building Monitor/Emergency Building Coordinator/Floor Manager
- Create Critical Incident Management Tools:
- Establish a phone list with everyone's direct work number, cell phone number, e-mail address and home phone.
- Establish a call tree.
- Create an e-mail list and learn how to access it from a location outside your office (like another building on campus or from your home).
- Get copies of floor plans for your building.
- Mark critical locations: rooms where chemicals are stored, rooms that house animals during the day, rooms where disabled employees work who will need assistance getting out of the building in case of emergency.
- Establish assembly points for the department to meet when the building is evacuated.
- Have a business continuity plan to identify and preserve the key elements you need to continue doing business.
- Create an Emergency Packet for each member of the Critical Incident Response Team to keep in the trunk of his/her car, in the office and at home. It should contain all of the above items.
- Prior to a Critical Incident:
- Hold a departmental meeting to inform your department of the CIRT Plan, and to get input.
- During the first class meeting each semester, tell students where the escape routes for that classroom are.
- Schedule fire drills. Insist on full participation.
- In CIRT team meetings, brainstorm the response for a variety of circumstances such as:
- Fire
- Death of a student or employee on campus
- Death of a student or employee off campus
- Violent incident
- Takeover of building by protesters
- Information about the department that leads to intense media scrutiny
- Team Responsibilities During A Critical Incident:
- Address security and safety issues first.
- Call 911: UA Police Department will respond
- Evacuate the building if necessary
- If UAPD has established a command post, CIRT members should identify themselves to police.
- Decide on Immediate Next Steps:
- Should classes be canceled?
- Will events or meetings have to be cancelled or merely relocated?
- Is a research activity that was in progress prior to the crisis in serious jeopardy? (An experiment that was abandoned midway?)
- Communications During and After A Critical Incident:
- Immediately notify the vice president, dean, director and department head.
- Within the first hour, create a brief factual statement about what happened and provide it to everyone in the unit. This will assist in rumor control.
- Determine which of these groups needs to be notified:
- Other unit members
- Students (Dean of Students Office can assist)
- Immediate family of unit members or students
- Entire Campus (University Communications will assist)
- Media (University Communications will assist)
- Parents (Parents and Family Association may assist)
- Donors (i.e. an auditorium named after a donor is destroyed by fire)
- In Case of Death of a Student or Employee:
- UAPD will notify next of kin if the death took place on campus.
- Human Resources will assist in the case of employee death with such things as:
- Coordinating benefits with appropriate individuals.
- Providing critical incident support through its Life & Work Connections unit.
- The Dean of Students office will assist in the case of a student death.
- Follow-up contacts with parents
- Closing out student records on campus
- Counseling
- The home department will initiate arrangements for a campus memorial service.
- Counseling After the Event:
- If the event is traumatic and involves a threat to personal security, counseling is available within hours.
- Counseling and Psychological Services (520-621-3334)
- Life & Work Connections (520-621-2493)
- It may take six months for symptoms to emerge.
- If the event is traumatic, the one-year anniversary of the incident should be addressed by the department.
- If the event is traumatic and involves a threat to personal security, counseling is available within hours.
- Debriefing:
- Review what worked and what didn't work.
- Make changes to policy and CIRT plan if necessary.
- Thank people who assisted during the Critical Incident.