In Case of Emergency

The quickest and easiest way to obtain professional help for any type of emergency, day or night, is to call 911. Dialing 911 from any University landline phone will directly connect you with the University of Arizona Police Department. If calling from a cell phone, you will get the local emergency telephone system. Identify the location as the University of Arizona and you will immediately be connected to UAPD.

When calling to report an emergency, stay calm, identify yourself, and carefully explain the problem and location to the dispatcher. Remain on the phone until the dispatcher tells you to hang up. If you cannot stay on the line, tell the dispatcher that you must leave and where you can be reached.

Major Incident – Immediate Emergency Procedures

  • Call 911
  • Do what is necessary to protect life and health.
  • Attend to injured or contaminated persons and remove them from danger.
  • Alert people to evacuate the area.
  • Close doors to the affected area.
  • Have person knowledgeable of incident and area assist emergency personnel.
  • During normal operating hours employees should notify their supervisor of the emergency and begin to take the appropriate action warranted by the situation.
  • Emergency "blue light" phones are located throughout the campus with direct access to University police.